I don't care if monday's blue

Oh hai guise
I'm listening to The Cure (mostly cause it's friday and I don't think Rebecca Black quite qualifies as good friday music for me)
And I am having a pretty good week, even though school started on wednesday
But it's not even bugging me too much right now
I'm sure in like 2 months I'm gonna go into my
But right now it's good.
Fine Arts Center rocks too, which helps haha.
I'm working on my first case bound sketchbook and I have to find some wicked trippy pycadelic print fabric for it but when it's done it's gonna be amazing
I hope...
Making sketchbooks by hand is kinda fun actually
the thread keeps catching but overall it's pretty great
I should post pictures when I'm done!! I'll show you last years sketchbook
The french groove wasn't super strong and it cracked a bit but that was on the inside so you can't see it-the cracking you see is just from the paint on the outside
My other one should be done soon and I'll get pictures up ASAp for all you nefs!
Alright, I want coffee.
Ugh sometimes I just feel like an awkward mess.
But I'm happy
I'm just a crap-tastic texter.
Also sorry for the lack of posts, not that you read them.
Because you don't exist, nefs.
Even though a nef exists in its lack of existing.
Does that make sense??
I'm going to bed.
Goodnight world.