A cloudburst doesn't last all day.

My grandpa came to visit for the holidays.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my grandpa.
He’s diabetic and he’s had a heart attack and his arteries are super clogged and he’s on a nebulizer because he can’t breathe well because he’s been smoking since forever ago.
SO what does he do?
Literally sits and watches TruTV for like 23 hours a day (when he’s not taking mini naps), eats pork rinds and M&M’s and drinks Pepsi all day EVEN THOUGH HE’S DIABETIC, then goes outside like twice an hour to smoke THEN COMES INSIDE AND HAS TO BE HOOKED UP TO A BREATHING MACHINE BECAUSE HE CAN’T BREATHE BECAUSE HE SMOKES.
It’s really frustrating. I mean, I’m not the healthiest person and I don’t work out as much as I should and I like junk food.
But I know my limitations!! AND I SORT OF WANT TO TRY AND LIVE FOR A WHILE!
He’s just killing himself slowly and it’s really hard for me to take. I’m just trying to stay in my room as much as possible because the cigarette smoke makes its way inside a bit and it’s killing my allergies. And my mom is so upset about it because she knows. UUUGGGGHHHHH.
And my mom just read this over my shoulder and now she’s pissed at me.

first breath after coma

I have such awesome friends, really. This is including but not limited to
  • Catie
  • Will
  • Johnny
  • Maddy
  • Drewsie
  • Michael
  • Denzsmell
  • Emma
  • Poois
  • Benn
Being around them just makes my day that much better.
Catie is just an angel, and Maddy is too.
Drewsie is always entertaining, and there when I need him.
Johnny understands me better than anyone I've ever known.
Denzsmell may be a pain in the ass a lot of the time, but I love him.
Michael is gonna be Ash and I'm gonna be Misty and we're gonna hang out on halloween. And he's just rad in general.
Benn is fucking awesome and I'm so glad we're friends because he's like one of the coolest people I've ever known.
Emma is an adorable little gal. Rachel too, for that matter.
And Louis/Poois is rad and always will be.
Just thought I would share.

Shiver me timbers, I`m a`sailing away

I`ve realized that life is truly about enjoying the little things. We all live for these big, epic events in our life and we let all the other, small things fall off of our priorities list. Like what I just did-I sat, drank the best cup of coffee I have ever made, ate a croissant, and listened to some Tom Waits. I took 7 minutes out of my day for some peace. And this isn`t one of those turn-off-your-phone-and-enjoy-the-silence moments, although mine was off. It`s just `me time` in it`s simplest form. But I do need to learn to enjoy the pleasure of my own company, and not always picture how much more fun it would be if I wasn`t alone. Especially if I`m gonna do that year in Europe when I graduate. But man, if I have some coffee and croissants and a cd player, I should be pretty good-to-go!

I don't care if monday's blue

Oh hai guise
I'm listening to The Cure (mostly cause it's friday and I don't think Rebecca Black quite qualifies as good friday music for me)
And I am having a pretty good week, even though school started on wednesday
But it's not even bugging me too much right now
I'm sure in like 2 months I'm gonna go into my
But right now it's good.
Fine Arts Center rocks too, which helps haha.
I'm working on my first case bound sketchbook and I have to find some wicked trippy pycadelic print fabric for it but when it's done it's gonna be amazing
I hope...
Making sketchbooks by hand is kinda fun actually
the thread keeps catching but overall it's pretty great
I should post pictures when I'm done!! I'll show you last years sketchbook
The french groove wasn't super strong and it cracked a bit but that was on the inside so you can't see it-the cracking you see is just from the paint on the outside
My other one should be done soon and I'll get pictures up ASAp for all you nefs!
Alright, I want coffee.
Ugh sometimes I just feel like an awkward mess.
But I'm happy
I'm just a crap-tastic texter.
Also sorry for the lack of posts, not that you read them.
Because you don't exist, nefs.
Even though a nef exists in its lack of existing.
Does that make sense??
I'm going to bed.
Goodnight world.
Hey doods wassup?
I've got the weirdest mix of music on right now (John Lennon, Monkees, Dum Dum Girls covering The Smiths, The Smiths, Black Flag, Yiruma, and Blink-182) and I just got back from hanging out with Louis, Austin, Eric, and Austin's friend Sean who was very nice. We ate gay bacon strips and talked about Ali Koehler, which is always a good time.

And I went downtown with Jack and Freddie the other day-we walked and then sat and got cherry cokes and talked for like 3 or 4 hours-which was rawther lovely. Even though I lost my sunglasses BUT I GOT THEM BACK TODAY!! So I'm happy (tortoiseshell wayfarers, in case you're curious).

BUT my friend Johnny, who lives in Charleston-and who I said I would share my blog with sometime even though this isn't really my 'private blog' cause I don't talk about the things that really bother me-is coming here to Greenville this weekend!!! So I am looking forward to that because he is my new best friend because he's AWESOME.

Also I am really loving this song right now-
(Whoever She Is-The Maine)

So yeah, my week has been quite wonderful, and it seems it will continue to be.

Also I need to go see Midnight In Paris.

Random inspiration

2 Ashlee Simpson video stills,a cassette necklace, Princess Daria, The lovely Gwen Stefani wearing Bindis, Lizzie McGuire, 2 Noah and the Whale video stills, and a cute yellow dress.

Jumped up pantry boy

My firends The Soap are playing a show in Atlanta tomorrow night!
I can't be there, but if you're in the area you should go!
It's at the Wonderroot
Also playing-Ryan Harvey, Dr. Dinosaur
 Hello nefs!
I hope you all had a lovely fourth of july, mine was pretty fun.
Who's going to the Harry Potter midnight premiere?
I am and I'm terribly excited.
I'm going with Amberleigh and my new friend Freddie, whom I met Thursday night.
I was helping my friend M.J. with a new film project she's working on.
I also met some other really rad people!! It was a blast:)
I have been thinking long and hard about becoming a Hare Krishna.
I like how it's a positive lifestyle more than a religion. I've been around too many strictly religious people in my life, and they are always so unhappy. But the Hare Krishnas always seem to be at peace with themselves.
It's quite beautiful, and I feel like it would be good for me.
If any of you nefs are Hare Krishnas, I would love to know what you think of it.
Have a good Sunday guys!


Fun fact-I have a tee shirt just like the one John is wearing in that picture, except it has more of a scoopneck.

On a lighter note

I watched Ghost World today. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it, but I wasn't jumping up and down.
I did, however, play some Ramones really loud and have a jolly old time.
I think I'll type up some of my playlists so you can get an idea of what I'm listening to, nefs.
I wish I was the sort of girl people invited to go do things.
Because even though I'm friends with people, and they post 'Everybody come do _____ with us!!" I always feel like I'm not exactly who they're hinting at to come.
I just feel like I'm not the person they want to hang out with. They want to hang out with their friends that they got o school with and have known a lot longer than me. Not just the weird on-and-off-homeschooled girl they see at Fine Arts Center.
What really sucks is people you thought were your friends posting pictures of all the fun stuff they did together without you. And these people I talk to pretty much more than anyone. And it just really sucks. That's all.
Sorry to bring you down, nefs.


Sometimes I wish I was moonbrains. She is incredibly rad.


I did nothing to deserve being called a bitch by you.
ESPECIALLY not something as dumb as what you yelled at me about.
Thanks for ruining my day again, mom.
<a href="http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=EWQwUEQfctaGmVi-DE-AAADC-df43">
My personalDNA Report</a>
Just took this personality exam. I think it's pretty accurate!
No, this isn't a click-this-win-a-million-dollars-and-a-trojan-virus thing.
I promise
Take this quiz and send me your results, nefs! I want to know about all 0 of you!

I went to Catie's birthday today
And it was a BLAST!
My friends' bands played in her living room
they are such goofballs, I love them.

They like make up bands as they go along.

First band was Eric, Louis, and Will as "Day Old Whaaannnnggszzz"
I know that's not the spelling but it's late and I'm bored.

Then Eric and Louis and Skyler and I think Brandon, I don't remember, haha
they played a bunch of random songs from when we were all in middle school
there was Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy and I knew every word, not gonna lie.

Then CLOCKWORK the magical, all American band that's from a different place every time (First Asheville, then like Kentucky, and...it's just ridiculous) played
they're really just Skyler, Jesse, and Sam, but they wear the best costumes and just act like a grindcore band and it is the funniest thing

I think I'll upload the video for you to see, nefs!

And then The Soap played (Eric, Louis, Skyler, and Brandon) and they kicked butt as usual)

But then Jesse, Eric, and...Sam? I don't quite remember
covered System Of A Down
and that was freaking hilarious
I shouted for them to play BYOB and they did and it made my night.

But the best was at the end of the night
we all sat in a circle with the lights out
and Eric hooked the mic up to the amp and put the reverb on
and tried to tell a ghost story
but it just turned into this big mess
because of our interrupting and his forgetting the story
but it was awesome.

Then I came home. And I've pretty much been on the computer since then.

I'm so bored.

Didn't read the article, or look up tour dates
If I could see Roger Daltrey AND them I would be SOOOO happy.

That's all for now I guess.


fruit poppy pop pople pa pop pop sicles

I went to the shooting range today and did quite well, if I do say so myself. Seeing as I haven't gone shooting in a long while.
I need a vacation.
To New York, preferably. There's some new things I want to see.
How are you all, nefs?
*chirp chirp*
My friend Abi and I are planning a backyard camping trip with Dr. Pepper and pickles and a crapload of brownies.
We're tough as nails outdoorsladies.
She's leaving to go to the Dominican Republic in July though, so we have to do it in the next couple weeks.
I'm going bowling tomorrow! Hopefully with Abbs and Catie, but I gotta double check.
Catie's birfdey is on saturday too, which is gonna be rad! It's a house show, which is always a good time.
Suite8 was shut down by the city. I think it was cause of complaints, but I dunno.
I miss it though.
Sorry I'm such a lame blogger, haha.
I'll post descent things soon.
I just need to get my head settled.
Go look at my tumblr
Ignore the lame url, it was an inside joke.
Bye for now kids.
I wish I could just be comfortable with the way I look for once.
I tried to type like all the retarded girls on facebook do and it's telling me that my HTML is broken.
Maybe all the girls on facebook are actually really smart and trying to type out this HTML and they just all make a mistake??
I would just like to say that I think Tavi Gevinson is the coolest person on the internet.
I can imagine myself having tea with her in a tye dyed dress with a cat-shaped necklace and her in a blue feathered hat and black dress and we could have fascinating conversations.
I've been meaning to DIY a bunch of stuff lately, and I have all the ideas, but I have no motivation.
What's a good way to get motivated about art?? I've tried it all.

Also, I am volunteering at the art school I go to next week, cause they're having this summer camp for younger kids.
But a really good friend of mine, Evan, who's like my little brother, is moving to Richmond, Indiana on Friday and I'm really sad and I don;t quite know what to do.
Cause I've always been the kid that moves (I've moved like 6 times) and I've never had to see anyone else leave.
I'm trying to think of a good way to say bye to him, like a present sort of thing.
Ugh, it's really depressing.
I'm sorry if I bummed you out, nefs.

I need sleep. Bye for now guise.


Please ignore this post

It is primarily for the comment section, and is sort of a private comment section, just for planning stuff out.

By The Way

Hugs are the greatest thing in the whole world.


It's almost the end of the school year.
For me, at least.
I get out Tomorrow:D
Then I'm going to the Really Really Free Market downtown on Saturday
Then I'm going to my friend Abi's house on Sunday.
And Catie wants to go to Waffle House on Monday so I'll see if I can
Sorry this is such a terribly boring post, nef's.
I'm rawther bored and this is all I could think of to do.
I reeeaallly want to go see Roger Daltrey in September, and tickets go on sale tomorrow. But I don't think I'll be able to. Which sucks, because it's my dream to see The Who live, and who knows if Pete Townshend will play with Roger again, and Keith and John, bless their souls, are no longer with us, so this could be the closest thing to seeing my dream come true.
I fell asleep like 9 times today, and it's only 4:10.
My parents are talking politics down the hall.
I really don't feel like doing my homework, so I think I'll just play guitar.
What do you think nef's?
Oh that's right-
you don't exist.
Because you're nef's.
As in non-existent-followers.
Maybe I'll get off my lazy arse later and upload some pictures here.
P.S. If anyone reads this and has an extra ticket to see Roger Daltrey in Alpharetta Georgia this September, shoot me an email and I will be forever in your debt.

Say it ain't so, I will not go

I don't know why my friends dislike Blink 182. I love them.
I think it's because they focus too much on the technical aspects of music because that's what they go to school for and sorta forgot how to just enjoy music as is.
Rant over.
How's life, non-existent-followers?
Which will now be "nefs".
It's sprang brake.
And hopefully Catie and Jules can spend the night friday.
Goodwill adventures fa sho tho.

I've started to finally decorate my room after living here for 6 years.
Maybe 7...I lose track of time.
I have a ginormous Raconteurs poster, a picture of The White Stripes, a Mermaid Parade poster, and some random art pieces and photos.
I really want the poster from the International Tattoo Expo in Roma that I went to a couple years ago, but my parents wanted that in the living room instead.
And then there are a bunch of random trinkets from Indian festivals and a kite from the Japanese Bon fest I went to last year.

Why I'm telling you this...I don't know. I'm bored. And this entertains me more then cleaning my room. Even though I have to do that.

I just wanna finish the packaging for my new mix. I'm kinda proud of it even though it sucks. Proud enough to make packaging for it. It's just a bunch of upbeat music I stuck together with no rhyme or reason. It's got Avett Brothers and Fruit Bats and Someone Still Love You Boris Yeltsin and Beatles songs.
I'll make a Cars and Troggs and Lovin' Spoonful mix later.

Sun, when will you come?

I like Wavves. A lot. One of my favorite bands. So for caturday (if you know, you know, if you don't you don't) I was Snacks. Wavves is playing a show in charlotte on wednesday that I desperately need a ride to. Ughghghghgh I will post an inspiration post soon of stuff that insired me today. And this past week. I don't even know. I'm just not in the mood to think. It's spring break so I don't want to do CRAP. Thinking included. New post soon. I love you all, non-existent followers. -Bella

Suite 8

Suite 8 My friend Harlan wrote this, it's really good. I was at that show, by the way, and he described it perfectly.

First Post

Name explanation- Taken from one of my favorite poems of all time

Dream Dust by Langston Hughes

Gather out of star-dust Earth-dust, Cloud-dust, Storm-dust, And splinters of hail, One handful of dream-dust Not for sale. And St. Christopher is the patron saint of travel. My dad also always wears a Saint Christopher pendant around his neck. So I guess this blog will sort of be like one of those illustrated movie companions, except to my life instead of a movie, haha:)