Hey doods wassup?
I've got the weirdest mix of music on right now (John Lennon, Monkees, Dum Dum Girls covering The Smiths, The Smiths, Black Flag, Yiruma, and Blink-182) and I just got back from hanging out with Louis, Austin, Eric, and Austin's friend Sean who was very nice. We ate gay bacon strips and talked about Ali Koehler, which is always a good time.

And I went downtown with Jack and Freddie the other day-we walked and then sat and got cherry cokes and talked for like 3 or 4 hours-which was rawther lovely. Even though I lost my sunglasses BUT I GOT THEM BACK TODAY!! So I'm happy (tortoiseshell wayfarers, in case you're curious).

BUT my friend Johnny, who lives in Charleston-and who I said I would share my blog with sometime even though this isn't really my 'private blog' cause I don't talk about the things that really bother me-is coming here to Greenville this weekend!!! So I am looking forward to that because he is my new best friend because he's AWESOME.

Also I am really loving this song right now-
(Whoever She Is-The Maine)

So yeah, my week has been quite wonderful, and it seems it will continue to be.

Also I need to go see Midnight In Paris.

Random inspiration

2 Ashlee Simpson video stills,a cassette necklace, Princess Daria, The lovely Gwen Stefani wearing Bindis, Lizzie McGuire, 2 Noah and the Whale video stills, and a cute yellow dress.

Jumped up pantry boy

My firends The Soap are playing a show in Atlanta tomorrow night!
I can't be there, but if you're in the area you should go!
It's at the Wonderroot
Also playing-Ryan Harvey, Dr. Dinosaur
 Hello nefs!
I hope you all had a lovely fourth of july, mine was pretty fun.
Who's going to the Harry Potter midnight premiere?
I am and I'm terribly excited.
I'm going with Amberleigh and my new friend Freddie, whom I met Thursday night.
I was helping my friend M.J. with a new film project she's working on.
I also met some other really rad people!! It was a blast:)
I have been thinking long and hard about becoming a Hare Krishna.
I like how it's a positive lifestyle more than a religion. I've been around too many strictly religious people in my life, and they are always so unhappy. But the Hare Krishnas always seem to be at peace with themselves.
It's quite beautiful, and I feel like it would be good for me.
If any of you nefs are Hare Krishnas, I would love to know what you think of it.
Have a good Sunday guys!